A Quick Snapshot

First Graders are little people on the move. When asked a question, their arms are stretching for the sky just to be seen by the teacher. They may not have an answer, but their hands are in the air every time, half standing - sometimes all the way standing- in hopes of being called on for the answer. Development is fast and furious between the ages of six and seven. They are extremely active and are enjoying learning all the new things the first grade classroom has to offer. However, they are “more interested in the process than in the product”. First graders are having fun making new friends, and working together in groups to complete tasks. Sometimes they may over-exaggerate their abilities and what they can accomplish. This has the potential to affect their view of themselves, and caregivers need to be available for support and encouragement. As their cognitive skills are developing quickly, they are beginning to reason and think in a more logical and systematic way. First grade classrooms are active and noisy with hands on activities taking place all around. Children are sitting on the floor and at desks working and reading together. They are still learning the rules of classroom behavior, and they are in the process of testing out their boundaries. The first grade teacher is a picture of patience and caring. They need to be ready to work through the tantrums and outbursts of emotions while handing out words of encouragement and guidance mixed with lots of hugs along the way.

- this post and blog assembly were done by: Andrea Bergstrom